Drafts in English

Creating a test environment

4 minute read

July 28, 2018

A dedicated test environment makes it easy to study Decred components and to create new applications.

Digital signatures with Decrediton

2 minute read

July 24, 2018

Decrediton may be used to sign and verify digitally signed messages using Decred key pair. This verification is useful to prove than an address (public key) ...

Installing dcrseeder

3 minute read

July 28, 2018

dcrseeder is the Decred network aggregator, which exposes a list of trusted nodes using an internal DNS server.

One seed, one wallet

2 minute read

July 28, 2018

It is possible to use the same seed on two (or more) different wallets. But you should understand how receiving addresses are generated.

The Blue Book

1 minute read

July 28, 2018

Introduction Preview Part I The origin of Decred The utility of criptoassets Digital currency and metapayments Liquidity and scarcity Blockchain PoW mining D...

Using dcrseedhextowords

1 minute read

July 28, 2018

The tool dcrseedhextowords allows the user to convert a hexadecimal private key into the seed.